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Betska K-Burr


The author is known as The Guru Coach, is an Accredited Master Coach (IIC&M), Co-President of Coaching and Leadership Intl. Inc. and a Canadian best-selling author who has visited India on numerous occasions and loves India as her second home.

Latest Articles By Betska K-Burr

The Commander Whose Troops Were Hungry For Love

If we put an end to judgments, we will put an end to the war

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The Tall Poppy Syndrome

It is time, isn't it? Time to let the poppies flourish in their given fields being nourished by equality, respect, and self-confidence knowing that they are safe.

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Feed The Kitten In Your Tank

The Kitten in our Tank would be prayerful knowing that the average human brain/mind still needs great support to evolve from its limited understanding of how to access pure genius

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Find Your Golden Egg

There is a Golden Egg waiting to be found for everyone

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Are Women More Powerful Than Men?

“Exploiting persons is a crime of ‘lèse-humanité’: it’s true. But exploiting a woman is even more serious: it is destroying the harmony that God has chosen to give to the world. It is to destroy," says Pope Francis

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Part III: Earth Emergency - Let's Get Moving

Instead of subsidizing the fossil-fuel industries, livestock and dairy industries let's subsidize renewable energy development, organic regenerative agriculture growing the healthiest fruits, vegetables and grains

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Part II: Earth Emergency - Let's Get Moving

Mother Earth needs every single human to fully understand what it takes to heal the planet and then courageously move forward and act on it

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Part I: Earth Emergency - Let's Get Moving

In today's medicine, a timely emergency "code red" is a most positive thing because evidence shows that it DOES save lives. Well, we are definitely in a "code red" for the living Earth

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The Gift of Loving Kindness

Imagine if at every Diwali,Hanukkah, Christmas or any other religious festival each of us gave away The Gift of Loving Kindness to someone in need

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Who Is The Real Person In Your Mirror?

Imagine what your life would be like waking up soaking wet in the middle of the night

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