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Betska K-Burr


The author is known as The Guru Coach, is an Accredited Master Coach (IIC&M), Co-President of Coaching and Leadership Intl. Inc. and a Canadian best-selling author who has visited India on numerous occasions and loves India as her second home.

Latest Articles By Betska K-Burr

Okay, So Who Pushed My Leadership Button?

Bottom line is that it is a waste of time to get upset at an illusion. It’s like trying to grab air. I want to feel as free as a bird! No attachments. Just like the lady in the red sunglasses!

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Let’s Go Fly A Kite!

First and foremost we need a Connection to our Higher Power before everything else in our life can become fun and before we can fully manifest Safety, Self-Esteem, Love and Physical Needs

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Holiday Magic - A Vow To Last A Lifetime

The magic of the holidays lies not in the gift we received but rather in the gifts we give from our hearts. This is the greatest leadership quality known to human

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Leadership Skills I Learned From A Flowering Plant!

Leadership Skill #2- I learned is that once we let that old negative part of us die, we feel refreshed and renewed. And thus we turn into a beautiful human being with a greater purpose

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Strong Women Needed!

Women are Masters at living in harmony when we do not feel threatened - when we feel supported

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Here Is One BIG Way To Rescue Our Planet

Governments must go higher in their thinking. They must stop subsidizing the farmers that raise animals for food and encourage them to grow organic fruits and veggies instead

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A Toast To You!

And look! Up in the sky is a brilliant star. It has your name on it because you are Human Extraordinaire

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Let’s Applaud The Compassionate People Of India

Over the years I have wondered what compels the gentle people of India to go out of their way to ensure that the street animals are healthy and strong. I gather that feeding birds and animals is a part of offering in Hindu Mythology

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There Is A Fly In My Soup

Being a Systems Thinker and analyzing the whole situation can indeed help us win our case

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The Opium Of The Masses

The author writes, we would find a different world altogether if we will get addicted to giving kindness

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