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Articles for Pharma

Mental Health Crisis Could Cost The World $16 Trillion By 2030

“No other health condition in humankind has been neglected as much as mental health has,” said Vikram Patel, co-lead author, "Lancet Commission” report

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Death Is Not The Answer

Let us change the perception from ‘mad people see Psychiatrists’ to ‘Smart people see Psychiatrists’ and work towards reducing suicides because death is not the answer

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Keep It Positive

Positive Psychology rests on the belief that people want to experience love, hope, joy and abundance; enhance their capabilities and live rich fulfilling lives

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Mental Health Is Everybody's Business In Today's World

In addition to the very recently notified legal obligation of the state, and all agencies for mental healthcare, there has been a slow but definitive emerging acceptance of the social obligation for mental healthcare

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Anxiety At The Workplace

Anxiety disorders involve more than just temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time

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The Cost Of Workaholism

Workaholism is unreasonably lauded in many cultures, because it lies on the far end of the ambition continuum. Talking about how busy one is and not having time for oneself or ones family, is somehow regarded as a badge of pride

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Increasing meditation reduces medication

Mindfulness, while being touted as the next generation of exercises, is probably over 3500 years old. It has its spiritual roots in ancient contemplative practices that were followed in India

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Mental Health And Corporate India

Corporate India must realize that employees’ intellectual wealth is linked to their physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to view health and wellness in a holistic manner

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It Never Gets Easier. You Just Get Better

Great organizations and their leaders build a culture that values initiative, accountability and resilience. They offer their employees challenges and psychological bandages to help them grow stronger by facing adversities

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The Roots Of Giving

Together, let us take a pledge to give generously, with an attitude of being a channel of blessings through whom this grace and energy flows, rather than a possessor and giver of what ‘we’ own

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