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Articles for Opinion

G-20 & Virtual Digital Assest - CBDC Or Crypto Issues

This clarity of definition can be the guiding factor for the G-20 to initiate the discussions and then move ahead for deliberating for consensus

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'Digital’ Platform Will Help Scale MSMEs, Build Competitiveness

The platform can gather contextual data. ‘Link’ MSMEs to the relevant stakeholders to serve most needs of the sector.

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Tangible Value Of Names For Tourism Promotion

India will stand taller still if it can happily marry its past with its present, like Singapore and Indonesia, and confidently shine the light of tolerance to an uncertain world

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Disproportionate, Unenforceable Penalties Undermine Competition Law Enforcement & Reform Efforts

While deterrence remains a key objective of competition laws, the greater purpose of competition law and policy should be engendering compliance with norms of fair market conduct

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Social Entrepreneurship May Support Climate Change Market Revolution

Social and sustainable social enterprises may alter consumers' habits and conventional thinking, leading them to choose climate-friendly products and services from climate-conscious organisations

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Jupiter Transit 2023: An Important Astrological Event

The following is the effect of this transit/conjunction on different lagnas/ascendants or rising signs in brief

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Storytelling And Open-Source Internet: The Juxtaposition

Storytelling and the power of open-source technology need to be best friends that are not only building but empowering a community strengthened by conversational AI, and immersive videos in the creator economy

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IRDAI’s New Commission Regime to Encourage Innovation and Insurance Growth

While multiple methods have been employed for insurance penetration, including awareness programmes, perhaps the three key elements have been

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