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Articles for Opinion

Manufacturing Startups Yet To Show Up

No entrepreneur would be without stress at one point of his journey or the other. The best way is to approach a Jana Aushadi for MSEs

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Cultivating Beginner’s Mind for Managing in VUCA Time

The decline of even the most successful business is inevitable at some time. This is true of individuals as well as organisations

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'You Get Happiness, When You Give It To Others'

Poor people near the equator have as much of a chance of finding it as rich people living away from it

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Use Of FOMO In Social Media Marketing

“The more scarce a product is, the more valuable it becomes to people,” says Adam Alter, associate professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School Of Business

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Password Manager, Anyone?

Are password managers absolutely safe? No one can guarantee that and there have been breaches in the past, but with military-grade encryption that most password managers use, their track record has been pretty good to-date

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With AI Marketing, Trust & Transparency Should Be Top Priority

Ushering in automated procedures and making data-driven decisions simpler than ever, artificial intelligence (AI) has completely changed how businesses function

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How Generative AI Is Reinventing The Workplace

To better understand the impact of AI, consider three broad industries - information technology, management, and entertainment - and the effects generative AI has already had on such different spheres in its infancy

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The Income Glass Ceiling Of The Fragile Middle Class

While we celebrate the growth of the aspiring class, the policymakers must ensure the middle income doesn’t slip and is left behind

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