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Articles for Opinion

5 Tips To Combat Oxidative Stress

Human body has natural defence mechanisms to protect its cells from damage. Long term exposure to stress due to depression or anxiety makes body produce abundant unstable molecules called ‘free radicals’. This condition is called as chronic oxidative stress

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Rexit Won't Have Any Adverse Impact as RBI Will Always Draw Big Talent For Governor’s Post

Ironically, critics of the incumbent government have been focusing on the academic credentials and track record of Raghuram Rajan at the IMF and applauding him as a skillful economic thinker rather than speaking about his performance as the chief of the central bank

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Bullion Prices Soar in Uncertain Environment

There is neither any mechanism nor any centralised agency to manage the prices of gold and silver in an immediate sense. Constraints on the supply side and growing demand from investors seeking a safe haven in the current uncertain environment will ensure no major dips in the latter half of the year

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Moles And Mentors: Utility Of The Saffron-clad In Vedic India

Chanakya knew the world could be a better place with a strong set of nations living harmoniously with each other

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NPAs: Need For A Holistic Approach To Resolution

The banks have been given time till March 31, 2017 by RBI to clean up their books while the gross non performing assets have reportedly ballooned to over Rs 5.5 lakh crore by end of March 2016

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Islamic Fundamentalists, Not Islam, Are A Threat To Humanity

There are fundamentalists and radicals in all religions and they all feel that their faith is superior. Their main focus is to convert as many people to their religion as possible

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Arnab Answers The Trolls

Across the world, the first exclusive interviews are given to anchors and channels who command viewership. Not to those who nobody watches

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Political And Economic Implications Of Brexit

The days ahead for the UK as well as for EU are uncertain and risk prone and require astute political leadership to resolve the crisis that the nation presently faces

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