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Articles for Opinion

Chasing A Bubble, Or An Opportunity

Beyond all the hype, fintech offers a golden opportunity for financial institutions to create new real value

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Blending Tech, Touch And Intelligence

TPAs have always been instrumental in reducing overall cost of care by enabling cashless hospitalization at preferred tariffs

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'Gangs Of Wasseypur' Tarnishes Image Of Dhanbad

The coal capital of India, Dhanbad, has suffered major loss of face and it can be seen in the ratings it received either from the government agencies or by the public in general and is now struggling to salvage its image

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Being CEO 3.0

CEOs of earlier generations operated in an environment where the boardroom was largely impervious and their decisions were rarely challenged. Today’s leaders live in glass houses by comparison, under continual scrutiny and surveillance

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Existential Exits: The Curious Case of…

Rahul Goswami talks about the protracted beliefs and deja-vu situations around economic value-propositions and the turnarounds, with which the mass gatherings behave and lead to notions that the subsidiaries attached to the tangibles are ending

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Is Vijay Rupani An Interim Chief Minister?

The BJP’s decision for a change of guard in Gujarat was apparently prompted by the strategic move to consolidate its grip over the escalating influence of the pro-Patidar (Patel) movement in the State and salvage its credentials that have suffered a major jolt under the brief stint of Anandiben Patel in the State for charges of rampant corruption

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Editor's Letter: Cowed Down

With the biggest reform since the 1991 economic reforms closer to reality, the Modi government has reasons to be gung-ho. It, however, needs to rein in the fringe elements that threaten to derail its economic agenda

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Just Get A Job And Sleep Well!

Power. Oh sure you have lots of power, but the sword cuts both ways. You have the power to run the company the way you want without answering to anyone

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