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The Dharma Of Capitalism

Dharma is a frustrating, almost untranslatable word. Duty, goodness, justice, and law have something to do with it, but they all fall short

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India's Role In Climate Change

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be closely watched as a global leader, and his vision of global emissions reductions will be judged

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Reverse Brain Drain: Brain Gain For India

Sachith Kumar Rai is the founder of HireCruise and Recruise. His commitment to people, organisations and their objectives is evident in his ability to understand each client’s resource needs and match them perfectly with professionals with the right skill sets.

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How To Recognise Stress

There are two ways to deal with stress. Either you avoid it, or accept that you have to deal with it. In most cases, avoidance may or may not be a choice, dealing with it surely is

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Brand Modi: Sharp But too Niche?

Many years ago as a young consumer researcher, I had the opportunity to work on the revitalisation of a well-reputed but shrinking business. A baby oil from a much-loved MNC.

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Leadership Is About Mindsight And Less About Hindsight

Being attentive to immediate environments and people can magnify internal experiences that can be beneficial for overall health of the organization How often do we see doctors prescribing medicines not merely out of diagnosis but also through self experience?

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Preparing For The Real World

Is higher education in India preparing our students for the real world? Surveys in the recent years have time and again revealed that less than one-third of the young population joining the workforce has the employability skills that employers are looking for. Two things are clear. First, that there is a significant gap in demand and supply. Second, that if things are to change, the change needs to occur on the supply side.

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Teaching In The Time Of The Internet

Are you here to learn or to be taught? This was the question a respected doyen of management education was known to ask an entering class. It is perhaps more relevant today than ever before.

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