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Articles for Entrepreneurship

‘Soulfull Was Born Out Of A Dream’

‘This year the shortlist as well as the final win­ning, was exhila­rating for me, and a validation of all that Soulfull is and wants to be’

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Ringing In A Musical Revolution is in the process of merging with Jio Music. Singh met Akash Am­bani in Decem­ber 2017, who was impressed with the plans Singh had for

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Master Of The Game

Nazara raised only $3 mil­lion in its life­time, but it built a profitable cash-generat­ing business: Rs 66 crore profit on over Rs 550 crore revenue

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Brewing A Homemade Hot Cuppa

‘Believe in yourself more than any­thing else. Teams change, ideas evolve but it is your grit that is an es­sential ingredient of your success’

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Toddler Steps Towards Baby Tech

‘We curate a proparent com­munity where parents could help each other, and keep iterat­ing solutions to solve parents’ challenges’

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Building Luxury And Sustainable Abodes

‘Starting a company is not an easy task as it involves sleepless nights, and a family ready to disown you, but the high you get is incomparable’

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Paper Boat On A Smooth, Steady Sail

E-commerce and modern trade channels are promising to disrupt the distribution moat created by incumbent companies

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Aiming To Be First AI Unicorn From India

‘My mantra in life is to dream of great things in technology and convert those dreams into great outcomes’

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