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Articles for Entrepreneurs

JRD Tata Awards Presented To Underprivileged Entrepreneurs

Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu emphasises need for grassroots innovations and employment creation in rural areas

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'Entrepreneurship Is At Core Of All That We Teach At ISME'

BW Businessworld spoke to Indu Shahani, founding Dean, ISME about the institute’s entrepreneurship-led education model

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The 3 Things Entrepreneurs Want The Most

As a budding or seasoned entrepreneur, which of the areas above do you relate with? And how are you planning to achieve greater results and effectiveness in them?

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Indian Food Always Works

Fine-dining or casual, sophisticated or deconstructed mess, authentic or fusion, there’s nothing that pleases Indians more than desi food. The new disruptors in town are proof

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‘Wave Of Entrepreneurship Hitting All States’

The skill development and entrepreneurship secretary feels people should change their mindset, and treat entrepreneurship with respect and dignity

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How It Was Done

The jury evaluated the data provided by the companies, and also gave time to shortlisted promoters to make presentations about their products, business models and future potential

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The Jury: The Masters Of The Game

From tremendously successful entrepreneurs to venture capitalists to bankers, the jury comprised the best from the industry

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JBM Group: In The Fast Lane

Leaders might have a different mindset pertaining to their respective environments, but one thing is common in them, and that is the way they perceive and handle competition

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FabAlley: Life In The Fab Lane

FabAlley offers similar yet different product at 50 per cent lower price without compromising on the quality

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Zerodha: Trade Winds of Change

Zerodha disrupted the market with the concept of discount broking in India. All equity investments made through Zerodha are free

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