BW Communities

Articles for Corporate Movement

A Toast To You!

And look! Up in the sky is a brilliant star. It has your name on it because you are Human Extraordinaire

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Are You Playing Small In A World Where We Are Being Called To Play Big?

“Massive success has never been the outcome of playing small.” ― Edmond Mbiaka

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Let’s Applaud The Compassionate People Of India

Over the years I have wondered what compels the gentle people of India to go out of their way to ensure that the street animals are healthy and strong. I gather that feeding birds and animals is a part of offering in Hindu Mythology

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5 Ways To Deal With A Bad Boss

There could be a bunch of reasons that may make you feel that you work for a bad boss- it may be incompetence, anger issues, micromanagement and many more

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Punjab Health & Wellness Expo 2018

Including Ministry of AYUSH in this Expo around 80 to 100 companies also participated. The first day of the expo witnessed enormous enthusiastic visitors, health seekers, high profile companies, institutes, and organizations etc

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Physical Well-Being At Work – Tackling The Most Common Health Hazards Of Modern Workplaces

Our bodies are usually quite good at taking care of themselves. They tell us the limits to which we can push ourselves and when it is a good time to stop

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Safeguarding Memory Through Nutrition

In my opinion, your food choices are the most influential variables that you can control when it comes to health, vitality, and functionality of your brain

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What’s Your Default State Of Mind? Mindful Or Mind Full?

Understanding what Mindfulness is not is actually very easy. And to an extent, herein lies the beauty of the English language. You just split the word Mindful and you know exactly what IT IS NOT - Mind Full!

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Let’s Fight Mental Illness Together

Artificial Intelligence, the latest revolution in technology has taken the world by storm and it is this very technology which is used by two of the mental health startups, Wysa and Trust Circle

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Be Watchful Of Mental Health Of Self And Others

Not only should we be aware of our own mental health, but it is imperative that we keep an eye out for those we engage with. Sometimes it is just one hint that we miss out on that can cost a life

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