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Articles for After Hours

Mompreneur: How Corporate Women Are Managing Their Work-Life Balance

The constant fear of asserting ourselves looms over the mind as there is an apprehension of retaliation from the boss if even a feeble attempt is made to say no in order to maintain work-life balance.

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Are You Choosing Or Are You Simply Chasing?

Happiness may not come easy to most of us because our society judges us as failures if we cannot meet certain milestones.

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‘The Big Screen Experience Cannot Be Duplicated’ Sanjeev Kumar Bijli, Joint Managing Director, PVR

“We are prepared to have a more variable and low cost structure, keeping in mind that we are going to be starting slow”

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Revival For Survival: An Overall Overhaul For Indian Film Industry

At least 20 films originally meant for theatrical release have bypassed the industry norms and release directly on digital platforms.

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Fitness Enthusiasts Hesitate To Join Back Gym As The Fear Of COVID-19 Keeps Mounting: Report

The changes bought by COVID-19 to exercise working hours during the lockdown, 57.3% said they were spending same hours as before the lockdown, 13.7% have been spending more than 2 hours and 29% are not doing exercise at home.

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The Happy Soul

What makes you different is how you respond to it. Do you want to be a victim or do you want to be a victor? Do you want to ride the wave or do you want to be crushed under the wave? The choice is always yours

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Artificial Intelligence Is Making Arts More Artistic

One reason for this perception is that arts is considered to be in exclusive domain of human creativity and the Mathematics heavy base of Artificial Intelligence makes it look so distant from it. However advances in Artificial Intelligence are impacting arts too.

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How Food Affects Our Mood And The Mind

The kind of food we eat not only affects our physical body but plays a huge role in the functioning of our minds, and our mood

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