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5 Interesting Features On Lumia 950 And 950 XL

Microsoft announced two new flagship smartphones today which the company says are targeted for the Windows fan and for enterprise and business users who like working on the go. Here are some note-worthy features that the two handsets offer.

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What To Expect From COP21

2015 will go down as the year of renewed commitments, with the Sustainable Development Goals and the COP21 which kicked off in Paris today. Climate Change has become one of the most pressing contemporary issues and there is a lot of hope pinned on the Paris summit to broker a globally acceptable deal to move towards a sustainable future. Here is what to expect from the summit:

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5 Underrated Places To Include On Your Bucket List

While well-known places like Paris, the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef are definitely worth visiting, while planning trips there is often a tendency to get fixated with these and forget about the hidden gems tucked around the world.

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5 Things To Know About Index Mutual Funds

In order to chase market returns or funds that would beat benchmarks and markets by wide margin, most investors run after the current favourites based on short-term performance. In the process, not all investors stand lucky. For stable returns in line with market performance, Index mutual fund is the answer but it remains the most ignored category amongst mutual funds investors and it’s not even the favourite with most distributors

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7 Things To Know For Keeping Debt Under Control

Over-dependence on debt for upgrading your lifestyle by acquiring consumer goods leads to a debt trap, which, if mismanaged, becomes irreversible. Avoid impulsive buying at all cost and avoid the temptation to stretch your purchases. The credit card spends and personal loans are unsecured loans and carry a high interest rate. They are primarily taken for purchase of consumer goods or on lifestyle expenses. This makes them qualify as ‘destructive loans’ unlike home loans that helps in creation of an asset.

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5 Reasons Why People are Talking about S7

Samsung’s flagship in the Galaxy S series is always interesting, whether you’re in the Android camp or a die-hard Apple loyalist. Early next year the Galaxy S7 is due to launch and rumours and speculations are already rife.

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7 Hot Facts About Iceland

If the thought of Iceland conjures up visions of a dull, frozen expanse, think again. Hot springs, colourful skies, delightful contrasts and lush green valleys punctuated by milky waterfalls are characteristic to Iceland. You’re sure to catch a glimpse of some of Iceland’s wonders as it makes it to the big league of Bollywood alongside Sharukh Khan and Kajol in Dilwale in the song Gerua.However, there are more wonders to this Nordic superstar than the astounding black and blue landscape.

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5 Things Google Changed This Week

Last week, technology giant Google has made some major changes and they are all part of a longer term strategy that has many components. Experts say Google has changed their algorithm to favour mobile responsive websites.

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5 Things to Know About Anonymous, the Group That Has Declared War Against IS

Donning V for Vendetta-style Guy Fawkes masks in classic anarchic revolutionary-vigilantism style, Anonymous, a global network of activist and hacktivist (hacking + activism)entities, recently resurged to international consciousness when they declared cyber war on the Islamic State in the aftermath of the Paris attacks. Although the IS has quickly branded the group as “idiots”, the threat they feel is quite apparent as they’ve issued a list of protective guidelines for their followers.

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5 Secrets to Build A Successful E-commerce Business

Initiating an e-commerce business is tedious with many steps and decisions that need to be put together at the right time. Below mentioned are some great suggestions for a growing businessman that can be a success mantra.(Samarjeet Singh, CEO & Founder , Iksula)

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