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5 Things Google Changed This Week

Last week, technology giant Google has made some major changes and they are all part of a longer term strategy that has many components. Experts say Google has changed their algorithm to favour mobile responsive websites.

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5 Things to Know About Anonymous, the Group That Has Declared War Against IS

Donning V for Vendetta-style Guy Fawkes masks in classic anarchic revolutionary-vigilantism style, Anonymous, a global network of activist and hacktivist (hacking + activism)entities, recently resurged to international consciousness when they declared cyber war on the Islamic State in the aftermath of the Paris attacks. Although the IS has quickly branded the group as “idiots”, the threat they feel is quite apparent as they’ve issued a list of protective guidelines for their followers.

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5 Secrets to Build A Successful E-commerce Business

Initiating an e-commerce business is tedious with many steps and decisions that need to be put together at the right time. Below mentioned are some great suggestions for a growing businessman that can be a success mantra.(Samarjeet Singh, CEO & Founder , Iksula)

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5 Ways Startups Can Get The Attention Of Investors

Excited, ambitious and passionate, young entrepreneurs may have great ideas, but everyone knows that money makes the world go round and is the only thing that will turn drawing boards into reality. However, getting hold of investors is one of the biggest challenges faced by any startup

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5 Things To Keep In Mind While Buying Online Term Plans

The pure term insurance plans are low premium, high cover plans. The premiums paid towards them are entirely for risk coverage (covers the mortality charge) and therefore on surviving the term of the plan, one gets nothing. The online term plan can be 30

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Five Things You Did Not Know Your Smartphone Can Do

All of us carry a smartphone today and it has become like an indispensable part of our lives and why not as it has the capability to do so many things like playing your music, take pictures, send emails and so on. But do you know that your smartphone is a

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5 Apps You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life

Most people today have their smartphones brimming with apps, with hardly half of them being put to use. Memory space is precious and we suggest that you get rid of your Flappy Birds and instead download apps that offer some utility. Here are 5 apps that

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Things Every Person Travelling To India Should Know

Words are inadequate to describe the rich expanse that India is. Cultural treasures, natural beauty, spiritual wonder, years of history and diverse peoples inhabit this ancient land. Here are some things to keep in mind while planning your trip to make

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5 Haunted Hotels To Book Your Next Stay In

There’s no better story than a paranormal experience and why not live your own little horror movie while on vacation? The world is filled with hotels, which while offering the perfect luxe getaway, turn up the spook factor with fascinating histories and

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5 Steps To Save For Child Education Needs

The cost of education is rising. According to some estimates it is rising by about 10-12 percent each year. Even by conservative estimate, if education cost inflation of 6 per cent a year is considered, then an engineering course that costs Rs 6 lakh pres

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