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Blaise Fernandes


The author is a Board Member at Gateway House and President and CEO of the Indian Music Industry (IMI)

Latest Articles By Blaise Fernandes

Generative AI : Guardrails Is Need Of The Hour For Creative Sector

The key principles to follow when framing a robust policy for the beneficial development of responsible human-centric AI are below

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Bettering The Indian GI Economy

It can be a platform for India to showcase to the world a model for ethical capitalism, social entrepreneurship, de-urbanisation, and bringing women to the workforce, on the back of a robust digital system

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How Capacity Building Augments Growth Of Geographical Indications

Sneak peak into how capacity building can overall benefit the GIs

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Indian VFX Industry: Ground To Be Gained

Fernandes explains how the Indian VFX industry has placed itself as low-hanging fruit, along with the opportunities that lie in this space and his suggestions for the industry's overall betterment

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Film Incentives: The Indian Landscape

A road map for the growth In the AV & post-production sector in India- Part 2

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Scale Of Production Augmenting Growth Of Geographical Indications

Sneak peak into how managing the scale of production can overall benefit the GIs

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Film Incentives Adopted by India & Other Countries

A road map for the growth In the AV & post-production sector in India- Part 1

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Standardisation Augmenting Growth Of Geographical Indications

Standardisation is the first phase of it, for the consumer to gain comfort and confidence

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Making India A World Leader In AV & Post-Production

India has one of the largest entertainment industries in the world and is the undisputed leader in technology operations and development. What will it take to synergize our skills and capabilities in these two domains to make India a world leader? BW Businessworld presents a 4-part in-depth analysis by the country’s leading expert.

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Creating An Effective GI Ecosystem

Europe traditionally, and of late China, have created strong GI frameworks that have become strong economic drivers. In India it is not just a monetary opportunity, but also has the capability to help MSMEs as well as bring women and other underdeveloped segments into the mainstream. BW Businessworld presents a 4-part in-depth analysis by a top thought leader.

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