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Chandrashekhar Siva


Chandrashekhar is a avid reader and an enthusiastic writer and blogger who loves to write about various topics which have a bearing on the lives of the people. He has a master's degree in computer science and is working as a manager in an IT firm in Chennai.

Latest Articles By Chandrashekhar Siva

Some Basic Facts Regarding VC Funding (Part II)

The funding provided by VCs varies across different stages of the growth of the firms that it is investing in

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Some Basic Facts Regarding VC Funding (Part I)

It is very easy to blame a VC for not funding a project but have we ever thought the reasons for rejections from the VC's angle?

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How Is Wearable Technology Impacting Healthcare

Wearable technology industry is a growing industry and its growth is a positive sign for both patients and the doctors

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Cloud Computing: Are We Fully Prepared For It?

Is the current generation aware of this sudden change in the requirement? Are colleges preparing the students adequately for this change? Do we have courses which cover these niche fields?

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Are Online Shopping Websites Having Negative Impact On The Retailers In India?

E-commerce site have the luxury of showcasing various products from various brands as they do not need to physically store these products

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Why Do Startups Fail?

Let's look at five reasons which can be the cause of startups going into the unfortunate 90 per cent bracket

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Has Delhi Managed To Distance Itself From Beijing In Trying To Be Closer To Washington?

What are we actually worried about? Are we worried about going to war with China or about a cold war with China?

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Islamic Fundamentalists, Not Islam, Are A Threat To Humanity

There are fundamentalists and radicals in all religions and they all feel that their faith is superior. Their main focus is to convert as many people to their religion as possible

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