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Nitish Mukherjee


The author is a Board Member, Advisor, Coach & Mentor. The content of this article is his personal opinion

Latest Articles By Nitish Mukherjee

Dark Roast Double Shot: Lessons From Shamshan Vairagya

It is a powerful arrow in the arsenal of leaders who achieve transformational growth and enhanced sustainability.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: The Left, Right and Centre of Business

Leaders in business who have long tenures have to keep reorienting their strategies for business and brands to keep them in sync with the context of the times.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: Epiphany On The Mountainside

Sitting on the mountainside that morning I realised that those same rules have inarguable value for success in our everyday lives.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: Belief or Hope? What Will It Be?

From nation states to organisations, those with sharply defined beliefs have always shown more rapid progress.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: Is Business of Artisans Bad Business?

For me, it left me wondering if the ends of business could only be achieved to the exclusion of everything else, or was it just the obsession of the generation of leaders who veered so sharply to the lure of lucre that other avenues to them were always a cul-de-sac.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: When Crowds Surge ….

It has today the ability to make its effect felt from sophisticated money markets to grass root level politics. So strong is its influence that the wisdom of the crowds is the reality for many.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: Navigating Disruption

Be it a disruption in our professional lives or personal the questions are similar. The pain and anxiety are alike. The sense of vulnerability congenerous.

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Should Brands Hide Behind Fig Leaf of Law?

They say patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel and when you see brands hiding behind the fig leaf of the law you wonder if there is a parallel.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: Focus – The Mother of All Superpowers (Part 2)

Maintaining and managing focus is an everyday exercise and becomes second nature if you master the art.

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Dark Roast Double Shot: Focus – The Mother of All Superpowers (Part 1)

Whether it is the canvas of your life, your professional career, a simple task that you need to perform or any challenge that you need to overcome, choosing the right focal point makes all the difference.

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