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Ashutosh Garg


The author is an Executive Coach and an Angel Investor. A keen political observer and commentator, he is also the founder Chairman of Guardian Pharmacies. He is the author of 6 best-selling books, The Brand Called You; Reboot. Reinvent. Rewire: Managing Retirement in the 21st Century; The Corner Office; An Eye for an Eye; The Buck Stops Here - Learnings of a #Startup Entrepreneur and The Buck Stops Here – My Journey from a Manager to an Entrepreneur.

Latest Articles By Ashutosh Garg

Retirement: Today’s 60 Is Yesterday’s 40

It is my belief our new life ahead can be the adventure of a lifetime. It doesn't have to be a permanent rest. Ask yourself whether your negative beliefs about retirement are getting in the way of how you really want to live the "third half" of your life.

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Brand You - Be Honest with Yourself

Some steps you can take to understand your perceptions about yourself are outlined below.

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Non-Financial Issues Faced in Retirement

Here are some of the many situations that most retirees confront once they have understood and accepted their new phase of life and accepted the inevitability of retirement.

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Self-Doubts of a Startup Entrepreneur

Think of all the successes you have had in the past whenever you are faced with self-doubts and concerns. Positive thoughts will help you prepare better for each day’s challenges.

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CEO’s and Mentors Experience Never Gets Old

Is there a possibility of getting these older managers to mentor the young and newly appointed CEO’s?

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Attributes of your Personal Brand

Your persona, Brand You, will define how you will be perceived by your audience and in the rest of your world.

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The New Normal – Necessary, Essential, Desirable

As we look at our lives in the new normal, post Covid, every product or service will now need to be categorised into Necessary, Essential or Desirable.

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12 New Year Resolutions for Retirees!

Given below are some thoughts and you could consider adding to your list of New Year resolutions.

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At 60, am I too old?

Plan your taxes, your estate and your will and unless you foresee serious issues or have made a contentious will, share the details of your will with the beneficiaries.

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Brand You. Who Me?

You have to develop yourself in a way to ensure that you leave a legacy. People will remember you through your actions, your expertise, and the emotional connections that you make.

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