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Timmy Kandhari


The author is Founder & MD, Sapphire professional Services

Latest Articles By Timmy Kandhari

Shining India....Is It An Eternal Paradox?

India will shine when the bottom pyramid shines and that is a key learning that we forgot in the last few decades of a decent economic run.

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Judiciary Is A Key Pillar ... Of A Constitutional Democracy

Providing justice is never going to be easy and some of the the influences as well practical difficulties in process can be expected.

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‘Banks .... Need To be strong intermediaries of economic policy

Bank’s are key to our economic outreach and we need to make them stronger and trustworthy!

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‘We Have Created A Civic Mess...

We are responsible for our actions and our choices! We need a change there rather than put all the blame outside.

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'SMART' Labelling ... Should Not Mean Only IT-enabled!

Are we paying enough attention to the basic premise is the question which needs to be asked again and again .....regardless of the cladding we are presented with!!

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Healthcare Needs A New Paradigm

Health is wealth is an old adage and as true today as it was in times gone and probably will be true forever.

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Governance Can Be Let Go Only At Our Peril..!

India should be the nation the world will look up to not only for its economic prowess but also its social as well as religious harmony which is rare today

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Time To Reset Societal Empathy Quotient ..And Change

Governments are subsets of the society that we live in, as our representatives are selected from the same society and carry the same moral fulcrum that society represents. So where do we start to change ...?

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Is India About To Endanger Its Demographic Dividend..?

Is that really true or have we let down our key asset due to our lack of action over the years??

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Internet Is The New... Water

Internet and data are about to become very important to the way we live our lives from here onwards

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