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Prachi Salve | IndiaSpend


The author is an analyst with IndiaSpend

Latest Articles By Prachi Salve | IndiaSpend

A Third Of WB MLAs Face Criminal Charges; Trinamool Maximum

Assam has elected 14 candidates with a criminal record–11% of the total assembly, the same proportion as 2011

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13 African Countries Top India’s Infant Mortality Rate

Five of the 13 countries—Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Algeria—are from relatively prosperous Arab north Africa

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Swachh Bharat Urban-Toilet Plan 76% Behind Schedule

India’s ambitious toilet-construction programme–part of the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) mission to make India open-defecation free by 2019–is slipping, according to government data submitted to the Lok Sabha, the lower house of Parliament.

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Swachh Bharat Mission Fails March 2016 Urban-Trash Targets

No more than 17.6% of urban solid-waste (garbage) was processed as of March 2016, against a target of 30%, set last year under the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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Cereal Output To Fall 41%, Pulses 11% As Maharashtra Farm Crisis Deepens

The only bright spot in the state’s stressed economy is the services sector, employing 44 million people and likely to grow 10.8%, followed by industry at 5.9%: Survey

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Communicable Diseases Rise 32 Per Cent In Five Years

There has been a steady increase in the incidence of communicable diseases over the last five years, except malaria which saw a 14 per cent decline

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Only 6 Of 21 Indian Cities Financially Independent

Municipal Corporations have limited management capabilities, IndiaSpend had reported earlier, crippling many urban programmes.

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How 52 Million May Depend On Rural Jobs Plan For 20 Years

The absolute number of poor as well as the proportion of poor below the poverty line (according to the Tendulkar poverty line) has been declining over two decades

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State Health Budgets Rose 21%, Year Before Delhi’s Cutbacks

As many as 58% of Indians in rural areas opt for private healthcare (68% in urban areas), as we reported, because public healthcare is inadequate, and healthcare expenses push an additional 39 million people back into poverty every year,

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