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Nisha Agrawal


Nisha Agrawal has been working on poverty, inequality and social development issues for almost 30 years. Since March 2008, she has been the CEO of Oxfam India. Prior to joining Oxfam India, Nisha worked with the World Bank for almost 20 years from 1989 till 2008. She has extensive experience working in countries in East Asia and East Africa. Before that, she worked as a Research Associate at the Impact Research Center at Melbourne University, from 1985 to 1989. Nisha is an economist by training and has a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, US

Latest Articles By Nisha Agrawal

Here Is Everything You Want To Know About World Environment Day

India has taken significant steps on addressing the commitments made during the Paris agreement through the intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and on the SDG indicators.

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SDGs And Inequality

The SDGs are much bolder and more aspirational and differ from the Millennium Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted in 2000 for the period 2000-2015

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