BW Communities

Navneel Maji


The author is Jr Copy Editor with BW Businessworld

Latest Articles By Navneel Maji

Plethora Of Possibilities For Smart Cities

Adoption of futuristic technologies widens the scope of possibilities in improving healthcare, security, and other domains

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Technology-Enabled Intelligent, Responsive Cities

Experts shared developments in cities happening through the use of technologies from their respective domains of expertise.

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Sustainable City-Building Requires Proper Eco-Waste Management

Experts working in various smart cities projects shared ideas beneficial in providing sustainable solutions in the road to build smarter cities

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Addressing Citizen’s Demands Crucial To Build Smart Cities

The key expectations from citizens from smart cities and the need for an integrating infrastructure

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Cities Need Better Projects, Focus On Real Work

Experts discuss the role of technologies and the nature of projects that best support the smart cities mission.

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Tackling Water Utility Challenge For Better Cities

Non-revenue water management in the Indian cities.

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Need For Integration And Smarter Governance To Build Smart, Sustainable Cities

The Union government has allocated a sum of rupee 6,450 crore for the smart cities mission for 2020-2021, the same from the last year’s budget.

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BW 8th Smart Cities Conclave: Making Cities Smarter With Smart Policing And Effective Information Dissemination

Experts discuss on the developments in various smart cities and rightful actions needed.

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More than Buzz: Need To Contextualize Trends In Entrepreneurship

Experts discuss the rising trends and the role of leadership in entrepreneurship

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Lessons In Marketing for Tech Entrepreneurship

Experts discuss various patterns of marketing for tech entrepreneurs

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