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J K Dadoo


J K Dadoo is a retired IAS official

Latest Articles By J K Dadoo

G20: A Call To Action For Climate Change, But Will It Be Enough?

The G20 conference promotes several inclusive, ambitious and action-oriented tasks to achieve sustainable development goals and protect the planet as one earth

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Making Impossible Roads: How BRO Connecting India's Most Inaccessible Regions

BRO is not only a building organisation, but a vital organ for preventive maintenance in border management. It must be viewed by the powers that be, in the right perspective, writes J K Dadoo

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Budget 2024: Novelties Yes, But Pitfalls More

India is on a manual mode in the finance ministry when the world is moving towards the AI mode. Two budgets ago, three centres of AI excellence were mooted

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Gen AI: What Can It Generate?

Artificial intelligence will eventually replace all routine jobs and hence several professions like accountants will get wiped out, writes J K Dadoo

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What Should Parliament Debate? My 30 Questions

After careful consideration, I found 30 questions which need constructive deliberation in the August House of the Lok Sabha in the newly built Parliament House, which metaphorically should also bring novelty and innovation to our democratic system of governance

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CII Annual Business Summit Leaves Many Questions Open For Discussion

India is the top investment destination with China’s dependence reducing substantially. About 760 executives were interviewed and 75 per cent wanted to invest in India. Is Invest India geared up for this?

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