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Rana Kapoor


The author is MD & CEO of YES Bank & Chairman and YES Institute

Latest Articles By Rana Kapoor

India Advances With Its Innovation Culture

This budget has provided a major boost to “Digital India” in its attempt to make ‘innovation culture’ in India mainstream and has created a unique window to generate entrepreneurial opportunities for its vast young population

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Re-invigorating Inclusive Growth With 'All In' Budget

The fiscal strategy appears to be channelizing spending to sectors that have the potential to maximize backward and forward linkages in the economy through capacity enhancement and job creation

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Smart Solutions To Building Urban Infrastructure

Cities in India can garner significant economic gain by improving infrastructure and service delivery

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Indian Cities Build A Head Of Steam To Become ‘Smart’

Indian cities are expected to play an increasingly important role in shaping the country’s future owing to the heavy rate of migration from rural to urban areas

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What Makes A Valuable CEO

A CEO must provide to the organisation is the need to transform with the times – especially in this day and age, where business paradigms are shifting at a faster pace than ever before.

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Budget 2017 | Affordable Housing — Actualizing Housing For All By 2022

The Budget rightly focuses on providing affordable bank credit and cheaper funding for the real estate sector, especially affordable housing projects

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Re-designing Higher Education For The Digital Economy

The vision of India becoming a global talent hub can be actualized only if India can make corresponding changes to its education system

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Column: Blueprint For Daksh Bharat

Rapid skill development is critical to India’s socio-economic transformation. The government’s ambitious Skill India Initiative, which aims to train 40 crore Indians by 2022, is an ideal platform for ensuring an enabling ecosystem for skill development initiatives in the country.

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