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Amol Dani


The author is a Co-founder and CEO at Keybridge Global Education

Latest Articles By Amol Dani

Modern Vis-à-vis Vedic Approach To Management

The Vedic approach could be simplified in six simple steps: Lokasangraha (Human Welfare), Shubh Laabh (Profits through ethical means), Nishkaama Karma (Action without greed), Vasudha-eva-Kutumkam (accepting the entire world as one family) and Ati-hyastha-varjayet (Avoidance of any extreme). The very quintessential ingredients missing in the modern management practices

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Why India Was A Global Economic Power

Isn't it time we looked back into our history and searched for the wisdom of our Vedic ancestors to provide management solutions?

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Who Understands Modi?

Many in the media would have us believe that Prime Minister Modi is fast losing his popularity and difficult days lie ahead for him

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Baba Ramdev: A Pragmatic Business Baron

So far, trust has been a key factor in determining the 'success' of Patanjali Ayurveda. The yoga guru's saffron robe still attracts significant trust which FMCG companies can't get even via million-dollar celebrity endorsements

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Our Enemy Is Pakistan's Army, Not Its People

The Pakistan Army is enemy not just to India, but Pakistan's very own people as well as its elected government

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It's Either Popularity Or Profitability - Never Both

Too much of popularity is a liability - socially as well as financially. You need to expose yourself more cautiously especially when you are in serious business.

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