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Raghav Chandra


Former Secretary Government of India

Latest Articles By Raghav Chandra

PPPs And Lessons From DMRC Vs DAMEPL Case

Public authorities should anticipate and apprehend from the beginning – the huge legal and financial implications – of their own acts of omission and commission.

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Green Aviation And Space Industry

The days ahead will be different – exasperating and also exciting – for the aviation and space industry. Read here

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Pandemic, Policing And Processions

Ultimately, it is our humanity that is crucial for survival – more than any religion. Every government, in the Centre or in the State should push through reforms – to ban religious processions for the next one to two years and encourage virtual puja.

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How To Make The Indian Civil Services Market-Friendly

The Indian private sector, too, has changed – driven by intense market pressures, the regulatory influence of the new Companies Act and SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements – emerging as smart, methodical and transparent, albeit in an exclusivist way.

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The Need for a Uniform Employment Code

Apart from falling foul in terms of constitutionality, this law will cause compliance issues to arise.

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Need to Deregulate Indian Agriculture

More market-marked contracts and involvement of private companies are needed both in agriculture and agro-forestry.

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Google, Gatekeeping And Government

The US action against Google charges it of locking up deals with giant partners like Apple and throttling competition through exclusive business contracts and agreements, for instance to make its search engine the default option for users.

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Bamboo as Green Gold for Doubling Farmer Incomes

What is needed to be done is to grow industrial grade bamboo such as bambusa bambos – only one percent of the bamboo grown in India is of this industrial grade – this being sturdier than Chinese moso bamboo.

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Importance of Predictive Analytics and Cyber Security

Organized digital transformation plans need spanning both the information technology and the operational technology aspects. Solid digital resilience is the need of the hour.

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Morale Management Key to Effective Disaster Management

The world over, thousands of doctors and supporting personnel fighting the corona war have died. This is indeed tragic. We should urge government to treat their sacrifice at par with military casualties occurring in a regular war.

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