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Dr. Annurag Batra


The author is the Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of the BW Businessworld Group and the Founder & Editor-in-Chief of the exchange4media Group

Latest Articles By Dr. Annurag Batra

Lighting Up The Path Ahead

BW Businessworld draws up the most definitive ranking of B-schools in the country against the backdrop of the Covid crisis and the challenges thrown up by it, and the New Education Policy 2020 that aims to make India a higher education hub

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‘Positivity Is Back’

Globally, the biggest markets for diamond consumption are the US and China. India ranks third on the list. We are banking on Christmas and the Chinese New Year for the global markets, whereas India will see an upsurge from October

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Elegance And Ethics

A world stung by a virus is redefining many things, the billion dollar luxury market, among them. Read of how consumer choices are now guided not just by comfort, but also commitment to sustainability and ethics

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Celebrating Success

The cover story in this issue spotlights the sixth edition of BW Businessworld Young Entrepreneurs Awards (YEA). This is a platform that highlights the ideas of tomorrow’s unicorns.

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The Show Must Go On

A business that entertains, creates jobs and grosses billions of rupees in revenue, now stares at empty movie theatres and OTT releases of new films. What lies ahead for the film entertainment industry? A special report

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The Dramatic Digital Space

The mighty network Facebook has gone all out in making India a marketcritical in its futurereadiness strategy, where partnership with players like Relience Jio will play an important role in its India game plan

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‘We Both Have The View That An Indian EdTech Product Can Go Across The world’ Karan Bajaj, CEO of Discovery Networksand entrepreneur

Our stated mission is to bring live learning to one in three kids in the world and create a hundred thousand teaching jobs in India.

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A Leader Finds The Blue Ocean: Paul Dupuis, MD and CEO, Randstad India

In a conversation with BW Businessworld Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Annurag Batra,Dupuis gives away many insights into the traits of effective ‘leaders’ and what sets them apart from the tribe of ‘managers’. He talks of his E5 Model, which is the subject of his book and the challenges leaders face in a Covid-19 afflicted world.

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Trial By Fire

Ecommerce companies have notched up extraordinary growth with their innovative tweaks to their business models to offset the challenges posed by the pandemic

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We The Aatmanirbhar

In this issue, we factor in the myriad conversations around aatmanirbharta and examine the topic from different angles.

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