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Beas Dev Ralhan


Beas Dev Ralhan is an entrepreneur and investor with a passion for technology-backed business ideas. He believes in adding value to business ventures for all significant stake holders in the value chain. At present, he leads a talented team at Next Education, in his role as CEO of the company. He overlooks key functions of strategy, product design, technology and operations. His vision for Next Education is to transform the fast-growing educational company into the most respected academic services provider in India. Over the last three years, Next Education has grown to become one of the top three digital education companies with over 10,000+ schools as partners, impacting more than 10+ million students.

Latest Articles By Beas Dev Ralhan

Education 2020: Changing The Education System In India

The education scenario could undergo a huge transformation and the teacher would become more of a facilitator in the entire teaching-learning gamut

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