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Damandeep Singh


Commentator and Director, CDP India

Latest Articles By Damandeep Singh

Environment: The Beacon Of Hope

Businesses see their long-term interest in building a clean economy, as the Paris deal opens a big window for developing renewable energy sources

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Chennai Refocus Paris; Businesses Ready To Invest In Low Carbon Economy

The Indian delegation, labelled by many as the spoiler, felt the mood was changing. There is a ‘constructive spirit’ emerging said one India negotiator who did not want to be identified. Contentious issues remain the same, as UNFCCC secretary general Christiana Figueres, has also warned

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Cutting Through Hot Air In Paris

As one of the fastest growing economies, India’s most effective contribution to climate change is to steer clear of the high carbon growth path. This can be attained through a sustainable development-led approach that promotes development and climate gains simultaneously

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