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Meera Seth


Latest Articles By Meera Seth

Who Is Your Target Audience?

“Our culture often does portray women especially like objects. My mom would always point out everytime the cheerleaders would come on, [and say] “OK, so look, here's the story that gets told: the men get to be these heroic, skilled athletes. And the women just get to be pretty.” Just the concept of that, she wanted my brother and I to be aware of it. Because we see these images on TV, in movies and in the magazines, all the time and if we don’t just stop and think about it, it sort of seeps into your brain and becomes the way you perceive reality.” — Joseph Gordon-Levitt on ‘Ellen’ Jan 2014 (adapted)

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Case Study: Finding Direction

“Coaching is releasing a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them” — John Whitmore

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Case Study: The Lonely CEO

“The closer you get to excellence in life, be prepared to lose some people on your journey” — Tony A. Gaskins Jr

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Case Study: The Risk of Unpreparedness

“Technology gives us power, but it does not and cannot tell us how to use that power. Thanks to technology, we can instantly communicate across the world, but it still doesn’t help us know what to say” — Jonathan Sacks

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Case Study: Can You Trust That E-tailer?

“As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product” — Jef Raskin, who started the Macintosh project for Apple

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Case Study: Technologically Unready

“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do” — B. F. Skinner, Social Philosopher

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Case Study: From The Debris Of Devastation

“[Disaster] refocuses us in a very intense way… [...] people behave better than in ordinary life and [...] people find the meaningful role of deep social connections and see their absence in everyday life.” — Rebecca Solnit, author of A Paradise Built in Hell in an interview to TIME

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Case Study: Is That Your Ego?

When nails grow, we cut our nails, not fingers. When EGO rises, cut EGO, not relations — Anonymous author

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Case Study: Of Pointless Panga-S and Perfect Punches

“Unless you have absolute clarity of what your brand stands for, everything else is irrelevant” — Mark Baynes, former global CMO, Kellogg

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Case Study: Come, Meet Rani

“True cultural connection is the Holy Grail for brands if they want to create an enduring emotional relationship with people.” — Adam Chmielowski

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