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Nitika Gupta


Nitika Gupta is Psychologist at Mpower. She has received her professional counselling license in the U.S. after having completed her bachelor’s degree at University of Southern California and master’s degrees at University of Pennsylvania.

Latest Articles By Nitika Gupta

The Cost Of Workaholism

Workaholism is unreasonably lauded in many cultures, because it lies on the far end of the ambition continuum. Talking about how busy one is and not having time for oneself or ones family, is somehow regarded as a badge of pride

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Stigma And Shame: The Biggest Obstacles In Our Mental Wellbeing

Mental health is a global issue, and so is the taboo surrounding it. All over the world, people are more likely to talk about and seek help for physical health ailments than they are for mental health ones

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