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Ansuman Tripathy


The author is Algo Strategist, a High Frequency Trader by profession and post stock analysis on regular basis for the benefit of the investors. His passion includes writing on various subjects of present day social importance such as environment, on animal world and it's protection, present day challenges, Finance & related subjects

Latest Articles By Ansuman Tripathy

Global Tourism Backlash; Afghanistan Exception: Lessons For India

Surge in tourism creates backlash in tourist hotspots worldwide with Afghanistan as the lone exception. What lessons can India draw from such trends?

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Bye Election Results Must Force BJP’s Top Leadership Towards Radical Course Correction

Turning a blind eye to real-life issues like unemployment and price rise have devastated the electoral fortunes of the BJP, writes Ansuman Tripathy

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Modi Gets Third Term As PM, But Suspicion, Mistrust And Doubts Fill The Air In The Swearing Ceremony Venue

The zeitgeist in the country’s political climate has changed from a Hindutva-driven growth era to a more egalitarian, justice-based, and secular political scene

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Trading: Discipline And Research

Stock market research is required in order to make smart investment decision. Research is essential if you want to earn a significant return on your investment.

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Air Pollution Causes Premature Deaths In The Country

Air pollution causes a whopping number of nearly 6.5 lakh premature deaths in the country. Countless more are affected by minor, nagging ailments. Such a mammoth health issue must be addressed urgently

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India Emerges As Top Five Pharmaceuticals Markets Of The World

India has been implored by its own people and quite a few developed countries to bring healthcare to the top of its development agenda

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What Led To The Reversal Of Fortune For Gold?

Fall of gold prices is good news for India - the largest importer of gold in the world. The Reserve Bank of India has relaxed the tight controls it had clamped on gold imports two years back to curtail out go of precious foreign exchange

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Who Would Lend Money To Me?

For a vulnerable country like India, a downgrade by the rating agencies brings huge embarrassment at home and abroad

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Harming Environment- No

The developing world seems to be more vulnerable to the ill effects of wildlife destruction. Habitat degradation, pollution, and ravenous extraction of natural resources in the emerging economies are at the root of this malaise

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Why Do Indians Love Gold So Much?

The long term solution lies in increasing the economic growth so that the Current Account Deficit changes to Current Account Surplus. This is a tough call, under prevailing environment

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