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Anurit Kanti


The author is correspondent at BW Businessworld, he has a keen interest in sustainability and environmental economics

Latest Articles By Anurit Kanti

10% Of Corporate India’s Total CSR Spend Is Managed On Goodera: CEOs Of Goodera

The CSR Law has brought in a higher level of governance, monitoring requirements and hence accountability on CSR. As companies are taking up more and more CSR projects, it becomes imperative to understand the impact delivered by the projects to the beneficiaries

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Understanding Climate Change Requires A Cross-Disciplinary Approach: Professor Robert Wasson

For individual events, it is necessary to perform attribution analyses where the role of climate change is quantified by modelling the event with and without higher levels of greenhouse gases

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Sustainability Is Not Just About CSR And Protecting The Environment: Miniya Chatterji, Sustain Labs Paris

The 2017 Forbes 'Global 2000' list has 58 Indian companies, but less than 10 of these 58 companies have established an organised sustainability function

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62 Million Tonnes Of Waste Is Generated Annually In The Country: Rohini Bhatia, InterGlobe Foundation

Gurugram, at current rates of population and waste generation, is racing towards 1000 Metric Tonnes of waste per day by 2020

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MSME Is The Largest Employer After Agriculture: NP Desai, Growth Idea Lab

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a pivotal role in the economic and social development of the country, often acting as a nursery of entrepreneurship and innovative entrepreneurial spirit

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Climate Change Affects The Progress And Development Of Our Country: Cherian Thomas, CEO, World Vision India

“The need of the hour is to tackle disaster and the negative impact of climate change. We need to evolve community-based resilient models, reduce the gap between policy and practice and proactively implement state and district level plans with regard to climate change,” Mr. Ramesh Babu – Director Programmes, EFICOR

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Improvements In Air Pollution Offer Concrete Benefits In Terms Of Longer Lives: Michael Greenstone

As India balances, the urgent need for robust economic growth with the urgent need for public health, the AQLI provides a concrete measure of the benefits of reducing particulate air pollution in terms of longer lives

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Ethical Business Helps Companies Sustain In The Long Run: Sumit Mazumder, Chairman, CII

The South Asia BELA Chapter which was officially launched at a media event on September 19, 2017 at the CII headquarters in New Delhi, India featured a high-profile panel of senior executives and business leaders from founding member companies like General Electric, Dell, SBI, Walmart, Dun & Bradstreet, 3M, Tata Steel, Tata Power, Coca Cola, Boeing among others

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Using Green Credits To Promote Sustainable Agro-Forestry

By using the standards and practices of sustainable farming methods, one can make adjustments to them based on the local, state-wise or region-specific factors (like crop variety, soil quality, weather, demographics of employment and income, minimum price laws etc.), and award Green Credits based on verified, achievable progresses made on effective use of those updated practices (as determined by the modified metrics of the Green Credit system)

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State Resources Must Be Targeted To Those In Need: Jaitley At The Conclave For Financial Inclusion

True inclusion starts when poor can access not just micro finance but formal finance

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