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Urvi Shrivastava


The author is Editorial lead with BW Disrupt

Latest Articles By Urvi Shrivastava

DPIIT's Startup Expert Committee Includes Saji Gopinath, Renuka Ramnath, Padmaja Ruparel, Anjali Bansal, Sruthi Kannan, Dr Apoorva Ranjan Sharma

The committee members would include representatives from DPIIT; departments of biotechnology, science and technology; Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology; Indian Council of Agricultural Research ; Niti Aayog; and at least three experts nominated by DPIIT Secretary.

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Future Of Sugar In India: What Is Happening Post Lockdown?

The ex-mill prices in most of the states are under pressure and are showing downward trend as average prices in Tamil Nadu are hovering between Rupees 3200 to 3225 per quintal, while in Northern states the prices are fluctuating between Rupees 3160 to 3180 per quintal.

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Women In Agriculture: The Unacknowledged Gender

The most critical issue that needs to be addressed toward a gendered friendly policy is to minimise the gulf between ownership versus control of land by addressing patriarchal conventions and bottlenecks in legislations, to achieve economic equality in gender, as also guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, under Article 14.

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By 2023 We Are Planning To Have Zero Surplus Sugar By Diversion To Ethanol: Abinash Verma, DG, ISMA

The Indian Sugar Mill Association (ISMA) is trying to make a road map that every year we can reduce our surplus sugar by 20 lakh tons. And 2023 ISMA is planning to have zero surplus sugar by diversion to ethanol Abinash Verma, Director General of ISMA tells Urvi Shrivastav of BW Businessworld. Excerpts:

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“Energy Sector And Innovation: In Collaboration With Schneider Electric And Plaksha”

“Focus should be very much on how digital can help to save energy, along with decreasing emissions.”

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Farmers And Their Right To Protest: What Does Law Say So Far?

India has been a country of non-violence and civil disobedience, with the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi gaining popularity with each passing day. The government and farmers’ leaders must come to an agreement through talks, annihilating fear of farmers and arriving on common ground through mutual consensus.

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National Hydrogen Mission And Union Budget: Fuel Of The Hour!

Policy support and financial allocation by the union government is key to moving towards clean energy. The government in its Union Budget has allocated Rs 1,500 crore for Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) and the National Hydrogen Mission in 2021-22 for generating Hydrogen from green energy sources.

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Carbon Capture Utilisation Storage: Revesting The Future Of Energy

CCUS technology can be retrofitted to existing energy and power plants, that is, existing infrastructure can accommodate CCUS technology. These industries will otherwise emit 600 billion tonnes of Carbon-dioxide across the next 50 years, as per International Energy Agency (IEA).

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Digitisation In Agriculture: A Necessity For India

Use of digital technology requires efficient and reliable power supply that reaches to every nook and corner of farming community in general and farmers. The electrical connectivity is as important as digital connectivity.

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Artificial Intelligence And The Power Sector: A Promising Future

AI powers electrical grids that allow two-way communication between utilities and consumers. Smart grids are embedded with an information layer that allows communication between its various components so they can better respond to quick changes in energy demand or urgent situations.

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