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Janani Janarthanan


The author was working as a Correspondent with BW CFO World in Businessworld .

Latest Articles By Janani Janarthanan

How Prepared Are The Graduates Of 2021?

BW People spoke to educators to understand how these digital natives would survive in the new remote workspaces.

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Tips For Mindfulness At The Virtual Workplace

With physical presence removed from workplace, all that employees bring to work today is the mind. Being mindful, present and able to respond immediately and appropriately to work challenges, requires a focus on mental wellbeing & mindfulness, say experts

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In Search Of A Far-Sighted Solution

Arvind Nayar explains, “We need to combine Environmental Awareness with Urgency and not let it be an agenda for the succeeding generation.”

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Leaders Need To Shift From Pace-setter To Supporter: Paul Dupuis, Randstad

The virtual edition of BW People CEO and CHRO Conclave discussed the digital realm and juggling a paradoxical praxis of employee centrism and catering to business continuity while faced with the mortality of human life

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Creating A Circular Economy For Waste

Talking on waste, the panel touched upon reusing and recycling in a broader context and put forth ground-level actions that can be adopted to curb the growing piles at landfills and instill a sense of responsibility regarding our medical, e-waste, food and plastic waste.

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