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Sangram Aglave


Sangram Aglave brings a unique perspective on topics related to Enterprise IT Applications given his diverse professional experience in all functions of the Enterprise IT Applications business like Sales, Product & content marketing , Project management & Software product management. He is a ex-Oracle Business Analytics product manager and has worked at various silicon valley based product startups.

Latest Articles By Sangram Aglave

IBM Is Guarding Core ERP Estates Of Indian CIOs

IBM servers bring much-needed computing diversity for enterprises. IBM upholds values such as openness, freedom, diversity, and inclusion not only through their HR programs and can only be seen defining the products they bring to market.

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Automation & Business Success

C-level executives come together to understand the role of automation in driving digital transformation at a BW-Avaya India round table recently.

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Customer Experience Equals Competitive Advantage

Consumer India is expanding. There are many factors that come together to build an economy. One of those is consumer trust. Bad customer experience breaks the trust customers have in brands

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Data Journalism Can Give Us A Unique Story Which Nobody Has, Says Guardian’s Data Projects Editor, Caelainn Barr

Sangram Aglave, Contributing Editor, Technology at BW Businessworld caught up with her through an audio conference to capture her thought leadership on the topic of Data Journalism

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Indian Brands Need To Look Beyond Customer Satisfaction

BW Businessworld organised a roundtable with industry experts discussing on the revenue growth as a factor driving the push towards customer experience

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Contextual Marketing Leads To Higher Customer Engagement And Loyalty

BW Businessworld organized a roundtable in New Delhi inviting leading marketing and technology heads to discuss the future of marketing in India with a special focus on understanding the expectations from contextual marketing in creating customers for life in a very Indian context

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Digital Experience Initiatives Focus On Consistency And Uniformity

BW Businessworld in collaboration with Microsoft India met a few C-level executives in Bengaluru to gather evangelical and historical perspectives on the end outcomes for the customers and the employees

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Future Through Multiple Lens

The human race has only gotten better with time and it is important to not over expect from technology alone

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India’s IT/BPM Industry Needs To Shift From Scale To Skill: NASSCOM Chairman Raman Roy

The National Association of Software and Services Companies, or NASSCOM, a trade association, recently appointed Raman Roy as its chairman for 2017-2018. Roy seems to be the right person at this time, given he has played a pivotal role in building the Indian BPM/BPO industry

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