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Acharya Praveen Chauhan


Acharya Praveen Chauhan is one of the most sought after Astrologer, Palmist, Debater, Columnist and Author. He is an established columnist and writer on various aspects related to astrology and occult. He can be reached at

Latest Articles By Acharya Praveen Chauhan

Politicians And Their Tryst With Astrology

While Indian democracy lies on the principles of universal adult franchise, the principle that commands politicians is advice from their astrologers.

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Pandemic Uplift Astrology Business

Estimated to be over $40 billion, as per media reports, the Indian spiritual and religious market is booming.

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You And Your Business In 2021

The year 2020 has been a trying year for humanity, and as it draws to an end, I am certain that the indomitable spirit of humankind will usher a bright future for one and all.

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Zodiac Sign And Your Health

Health Astrology is just the perfect branch, it talks about the various parts of a human body and their associations with different astrological signs, the planets and the houses.

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These Zodiac Signs Are Likely To Become Billionaires

Whether you want to believe in astrology or not, remember that one famous person, namely J. P. Morgan, had once said, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do."

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Lockdown: Opportunity To Improve Your Home Vastu

Having certain things placed in particular areas of the house you can ward off negative energy and increase positive vibes in your ambience.

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You And Your Business In 2020

Read below to find out what kind of the year 2020 will be for your horoscope sign

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Astrology As A Business: Myth Or Reality?

The business of astrology has risen to disproportionate levels and is one of the biggest income grossers, but its spiritual soul has got lost somewhere in the process. It is very unfortunate that astrology is now devoid of the human touch

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Astroturf: Astrological Predictions For The Coming Week .

Read below to find out what your stars will bring in the coming week

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What To Expect From Financial Year 2019

What To Expect From Financial Year 2019 according to your sign

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