<p>"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." William Arthur Ward<br><br>In the olden days, teacher was considered as a provider and transmitter of information. A teacher was considered as an authoritarian over her subject matter and the student regarded teacher as a role model.<br><br>The young today are facing a world in which communication and information revolution has led to changes in all spheres: scientific, technological, political, economic, social and cultural. To be able to prepare our young people face the future with confidence, purpose and responsibility, the crucial role of teachers cannot be overemphasized. New demands are often placed on the schools in addition to the existing ones, to be equipped with current knowledge and modern methods of acquiring new knowledge. It is teacher's responsibility to see that the student is prepared and is equipped to compete in the current scenario. Time has come when a teacher needs to realize that, " Knowledge is like an ocean- never ending and deep." As teachers, we are just ice-burgs with a small crown over our head.<br><br>In the dynamic society like ours, the role of a teacher has undergone lots of transformation just as the needs of our students have changed and revolved. As a part of teacher community, we complain and argue saying, "Hamare time pe aisa nahi tha." Or, "Yeh generation lucky hai.", "Yeh bacche teacher ko mante nahin." My question to all my fellow-beings is, " Do you really think that we can buy respect." I feel that as a teacher a student needs to respect a teacher from within. Respect will not come just by students wishing us, getting up in class once you enter, calling us madam. It is necessary that she earns it. A teacher will definitely achieve it if she meets the demands of the student. To meet these demands, the teacher should herself be a learner and ready to transform herself to accept the new roles.<br><br>Changing roles:<br><br>1. <strong> Facilitator:</strong> A teacher needs to facilitate and inspire students for self study and go beyond the text -book.<br>2. <strong>Democratic: </strong>A learning environment created which is more flexible.<br>3. <strong>Emphasis on overall development:</strong> Teacher needs to understand specific learning abilities of each individual and try to build the personality of an individual through various teaching learning activities.eg, Role play, debates, seminar and discussions etc.<br>4. <strong> Practical oriented: </strong>A teacher should plan the curriculum and the course in a way that entails a practical approach. It is essential that teacher provide training in such a way that the matter learnt in theory is applied in real life. This could be achieved through actual experimentation, laboratories, simulation.<br>5. <strong> Multidisciplinary approach: </strong>A young student may have lots of interests and as a teacher we need to understand and provide time for students to identify their own interests. A multidisciplinary approach will also help the new generation to face challenges holistic way and not in parts.<br>6. <strong>Counselor: </strong>Students undergo lot of stress. A good teacher needs to understand student's psychology, identify deviations and assist them to cope.<br>7. <strong>Technosavy:</strong> A teacher needs to understand newer methods in teaching learning activity which would make her class interesting, interactive and sustain the attention of the students.<br>8. <strong>Role model:</strong> Students look up at the teachers as role models. Time has come when students observe their teachers behavior in all respects. Moral values like respect, punctuality, honesty, sincerity can be only transferred if you as a teacher practice.<br><br>Thus, it is clear that teaching has undergone evolution with time. Lets learn to face these challenges and transform our outlook to education and help the citizens of tomorrow to create a <em>Better India</em>. All that is required is:<br><br>M- Motivate<br>I- Inspire<br>G- Goal setting<br>H- Honest effort<br>T- Timely intervention<br><br><em>The author, Avani Oke, is Principal of K.J. Somaiya College of Nursing</em></p>