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Articles for Startups

Enough Elbowroom For Event Startups

A big gap in the entertainment industry today is the transparency of financial information, reliability in terms of delivery and some sort of public feedback mechanism

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Why AAP Remains A Startup Mystery

The Aam Aadmi Party is no doubt the most disruptive political startup yet. But it has its share of skeptics who do not see it going the distance

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Radical Restaurateurs

In an industry that sees many failures, startups need not just deep pockets and drive, but that unique selling proposition to stick it out as restaurateurs

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‘Disrupting The Disruptor Will Be The New Order In Market Place’

The Genpact CEO believes that the cycle of diruption has become short, so it is important for disruptors to come up with fresh ideas

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From Scratch To Listing

For many startups, the road to eventually listing is no easy task. Here are five entrepreneurs who started afresh, and went the distance

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Watt A Joule Does To Power

Smart Joules invests in existing building structures in terms of both hardware and software to reduce electricity consumption by 15 per cent to 20 per cent and sometimes by as much as 35 per cent

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The Men Every Man & Woman Need

Zimmber, which made three acquisitions between 2015 and 2016 to expand its service categories, currently offers services of electricians, plumbers, carpenters, home decorators, beauticians, fitness instructors and tutors

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Stir Up The Startup Ecosystem

While the investment momentum has witnessed a slowdown this year, one can see the phenomenal value being created by young companies

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Chatur Ideas Holds Investor Day At KIIT In Bhubaneswar

Chatur Ideas and KIIT-TBI have joined hands to provide a big platform for curated startups incubated in Odisha

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Maharashtra Most Innovative Economy, State Innovation Report 2016 Shows

Mumbai, Chennai, Pune and Vadodara top the list of cities having startup ecosystems backed by education, mentorship and venture finance

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