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Anirudhha Bose


As an Editorial Consultant for BW Businessworld, Aniruddha writes independently on investor awareness, correct financial planning & investing practices and the impact of regulatory developments on the personal finance ecosystem. He holds an MBA with distinction from Oxford.

Latest Articles By Anirudhha Bose

Six Things To Do In The New Financial Year

Looking for investing in a tax saving instrument, but without investing into equities at this stage?

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Retirement 5 Years Away? Here Are 5 Essential Questions To Ask Yourself

Here are five critical questions that you should be asking yourself right now, to help you figure things out

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A 15-point "Cheat Sheet" For Investors Right Now

Tired of all the confusing jargon that investing invariably entails wading through? Here's a simple, 15-point "cheat sheet' that'll help you stay firmly in charge of your money right now!

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NIFTY - Technical Outlook

Cautious or skittish investors would do well to avoid investing lump sums into the equity markets completely, while continuing their long-term SIP investments into equity MF's, which should be allowed to carry on uninterrupted to realise their true potential

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Three Behavioural Biases Investors Need To Watch Out For Now

Your plan should be based on your time horizon, your risk appetite and resultantly - your target asset allocation. When markets get stormy, passivity works a lot better then hyperactivity!

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Five Reasons Why Goal Based Financial Plans Fail

Here are five reasons why so many goal-based financial plans tend wind up biting the dust over time!

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A 5 Point Financial Plan For Your Mid-thirties

Here's a simple 5 point Financial Planning checklist that should keep you on course

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The Savvy Checklist

A list of essentials for your journey towards financial freedom. The more points you can tick off, the better By Aniruddha Bose

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What Women Want...

... from their financial advisors: Transparency, reliability and jargon-free advice

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Last Minute Tax Saving Rush? Here Are 4 Options To Consider

SCSS rates fluctuate, and are reset by the government at the start of every quarter. This may work to your detriment in falling interest rate scenarios

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