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Rajguru Tandon


The author is a correspondent with BW Businessworld with keen interest in HR and employee welfare.

Latest Articles By Rajguru Tandon

Teachers Can Drive The Societal Change In India: Tata Trusts

People who are economically deprived are concerned as their immediate life tends to pose significant challenges of economic needs, health and safety, which outweighs their capacity to patiently support their children to complete 10 to 15 years of formal education

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Here Are Different Start-ups Which Can Act As A Teacher For The Child

Education is the ultimate goal of every parent for their children in India. Some of the start-ups in the industry which aims to provide better coaching for kids to develop their creative minds. With the technological advancements, kids are also more likely using it for their studies

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Are Indian Engineers Really Sub-standard?

Degrading education quality and outdated curriculum have become more pronounced with automation and emerging technology remodeling businesses

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We Have Seen An Increase In Our Number Of Employee Engagement: World Bank

The World Bank has made significant strides to improve the flexible working toolkit to make sure 16,000 employees know the options available

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Planning To Study Abroad? You Have A Better Chance Of Job In India

Conducted in support with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) across India and other strategic locations of the world, the study includes opinions of high schools and counsellors, students, universities and global academic institutions and industry leaders

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Changing Technology Demands Flexible Leaders To Succeed In All Conditions

Only 20 per cent of managers identified as high performers successfully advance to higher levels of leadership and only 13 per cent of senior executives and human capital managers believe their organisations have ample leadership pipelines

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When The Chips Are Down, Focus More On Your Existing Employees: VP HR, World Bank

How one can make bold and transformational leadership commitments to move towards a future that redefines one’s relationship with collaborative winning? In an email interview with BW Businessworld, Sean McGrath, HR Vice-President - The World Bank, talks about talent management skills and how to keep employees happy.

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Automation Can Bring About A Boom In The Handicraft Industry: Pankaj Bhandari, MD, Smart Creations

The industry is one of the major generator of employment thus it has the economic advantage in India, but is going through a lot of challenges currently

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Gender-Positive Books By Katha To Challenge Gender Stereotypes

New Zealand High Commission and Katha launch series of gender-positive books for young leaders. The books will reach 90,000 primary school students across Delhi

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India Witnesses Healthy Appraisal Season Despite Economic Concerns

The auto sector registered average appraisal of 9-11 per cent, while FMCG registered an average of eight-to-ten per cent appraisal and Technology sector registered five to seven per cent appraisal this year

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