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Nina Chhipa


The author used to work with BW Businessworld as an Editorial Lead for Wellness and Luxury. She has a penchant for education and has studied varied subjects from Psychology to Journalism, Art and design, to Business and Luxury product design

Latest Articles By Nina Chhipa

Five Top Tips On How To Be Happy In 2018

Looking at the small things that most of us can reasonably achieve in the New Year is probably our best bet to improve our mental and physical well-being

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Why, When And How To Manage Gossip

Gossip fritters away vital energy at different level-physical, emotional, intellectual (gross and subtle), alongwith possibilities of damaging trust, credibility, and relationships,” JP Singh

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Health And Fitness Goals For 2018

“Setting realistic health & fitness goals for 2018 will make you will feel more accomplished instead of regretful by the end of the year,” says Chaudhary who is a Certified Nutritionist and a Diabetes Educator

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Resolutions For The New Year

Making resolutions isn't such a bad thing, the key is not to make them so lofty that they become daunting or cumbersome to follow through, yet they should be definitive

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When Nature Meets Science

Integrative medicine is the next wave in the healthcare sector

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How To Have Mentally Healthier Workplaces

Good mental health enables people to realize their full potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their communities

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How To Handle Difficult Conversations At Work

Handling the difficult conversation requires skill and empathy, but ultimately, it requires the courage to go ahead and do it

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When Nature Meets Science

Integrative Medicine is the next wave in healthcare

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Ways To Handle Toxic Colleagues

In your workplace microcosm, there will always exist those coworkers who are toxic, who will exert great strain on your working relationships and hinder your job performance

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What Is Your Phone Life Balance?

According to research, parents use of technology affects children’s behavior and could be associated with a greater incidence of poor behavior on the part of kids

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