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Nina Chhipa


The author used to work with BW Businessworld as an Editorial Lead for Wellness and Luxury. She has a penchant for education and has studied varied subjects from Psychology to Journalism, Art and design, to Business and Luxury product design

Latest Articles By Nina Chhipa

You Are Worth It

Understanding your self-worth can lead to lifelong happiness. So how confident are you? Do you truly believe in yourself? Your level of confidence plays a big role in measuring your self-worth

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5 Things To Do To Become A Champion

In order to become your best at anything, you have to train yourself to perform in environments that you are not used to. More often than not we stay within the perimeter of what feels comfortable

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My Second Act, Returnships For Women At Work

In a conversation with BWBusinessWorld, Aparna Maroo Jain and Gauri Subramanium shared the story of My Second Act. MSA is a platform which equips women from stellar educational and professional backgrounds returning from a career break with job opportunities, 360-degree support, and professional resources

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Self Can only Be Found With In

Self-worth, self-respect and self-love, all begin with “the self”. They can only be found within, not be found outside somewhere

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Wellness Trends For A Healthy Lifestyle

Staying healthy and fit is nowadays getting difficult due to lifestyle disorders. In a conversation with BW BusinessWorld, Monica Bahl, Sr. VP SCM & Projects VLCC, a homegrown wellness and beauty brand discussed a few wellness trends to look upon for a healthy lifestyle

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Quest For Inner Peace And A More Meaningful Existence Is Steadily Growing: Mumta And Harika, AbhiBindu

"This is a place where the mind, body and soul get aligned aided by the vibrant energy positive ecology. AbhiBindu has become a space for holistic wellness-mind, body and soul rejuvenation,” shared Mumta and Harika

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Government needs to revisit its strategy for prevention of lifestyle diseases-Preeti Rao Founder Weljii

India, today faces widening epidemics of obesity and chronic lifestyle diseases that are largely preventable or can be managed effectively with lifestyle changes pertaining to nutrition, exercise, stress, emotional, mental, relational, occupational and spiritual wellbeing

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7 Ways To Become Mentally Strong

Reaching your greatest potential doesn’t require you to only work harder by adding desirable habits to your already busy life, it also entails eliminating the routines that erode effectiveness and siphon off mental strength

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Delighted That The Government Has Proposed Focus On AI Technologies: Tushar Vashisht

Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary Ayush Ministry commented on the Budget saying that, “The budget is very inclusive & will take care of the last person of the society”

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Overall, A 'Healthy' Budget For A 'Swastha' And Sukhi Bharat: Saurabh Arora Lybrate

Dr. Aggarwal feels that, "The National health protection scheme is a commendable move, which promises to provide Rs 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization"

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