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Articles for Opinion

You Are Unique And So Are Your Finances

One's state of harmony is disrupted when faced with the threat of external conflict (social rejection) for failing to conform to a group standard

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Entrepreneurship: “I Have Arrived” Pitfall

Professionals transitioning into the role of promoters face heightened scrutiny. Established promoters with a long history or familial lineage often benefit from wealth accumulated and shielded through diverse financial and tax mechanisms. Contrastingly, newly minted promoters, devoid of such historical safeguards, stand to risk not only their careers and reputations but also potential wealth creation

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Leadership From Failure

Setbacks often serve as catalysts for personal and organisational development, prompting individuals to reevaluate assumptions, hone strategies, and emerge more resilient. Astute leaders understand that failure does not define their capabilities but presents an opportunity for growth, innovation, and eventual mastery

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Supreme Court's DMRC Judgement: A Negative Impact On Cost Of Doing Business In India

Judgement has shaken the foundation of the Doctrine of Finality. Arbitration is the biggest loser since DMRC decisions may encourage other government bodies to also re-open and agitate old lost causes

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India's Pension Funds Require A Key Structural Reform

An important regulatory gap that requires urgent attention of policymakers is bringing all superannuation and gratuity funds of companies under PFRDA and allowing NPS Trust to manage them

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Flutes, Guitars And Other People

To make good music, you need all the instruments to come together and work in harmony. A good musician doesn’t get frustrated that he can’t tune the flute and get it to change

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What Is That Leadership Conditioner?

The landscape of leadership is ever evolving, influenced by changes in society, technology, and the global economy

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On A High: Cigarette Smuggling In India

Illicit cigarettes is a burgeoning trade in the country that thrive on higher margins to retailer outlets

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India’s AI Revolution

It’s important that AI is seen for what it is: a tool. It speeds up tasks. That helps researchers in, for example, life sciences to sequence molecules within hours instead of months in the search for life-saving drugs

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Target Vs Reality: A Deep Dive Into India's Foreign Trade Performance

Trade negotiators need to ensure that we leverage our huge imports from China to push our exports vigorously to a country which can easily absorb them, if we maintain sufficient pressure, in a sustained manner, writes J. K. Dadoo

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