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Articles for Gadgets & Technology

Charging Tips For Your Smartphone

There are certain things which mobile phone users do which gradually decreases the run-time of their battery resulting in frequent battery drains and self-discharge. Smartphone batteries have a lifespan of around 2-3 years. There are ways to keep the smartphone battery healthy.

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Watch Out For These Upcoming Premium Smartphones In 2017

Every smartphone is launched with upgraded specifications to counter its competitor, every manufacturer comes up with something new and advanced to become the market leader. These are the upcoming premium smartphones to watch out for in 2017:

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Alternatives of G5 Plus

(With inputs from Braghu Haritas)

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The Showstoppers

Top Innovations From The World’S Best Technology Companies At Ces 2017 By Tushar Kanwar

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Make The Most Of Your Samsung Galaxy S7!

Check Out The 5 Hottest Features

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Top 5 devices in Augmented v/s Virtual Reality

One of the biggest confusions in the tech world is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality. Both are earning a lot of media attention and are promising tremendous growth. Let’s check out some of the latest devices in both of the domains-

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5 Chinese mobile makers invade Indian trade

Smartphone brands like Vivo, Le Eco, Cool Pad, Xolo and Huawei have also barged in India with full force.

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Top 5 Big Data Misconceptions

Big Data is a game-changer that has already transformed specific business functions, and further applications of Big Data-driven analytics are expected to continue to take the world by storm over the next few years, utterly changing the way data is used and consumed. A huge number of companies today are sitting on massive amounts of data coming from multiple sources, including point-of-sale information, digital and social data, mobile/app data, financial data, research data and other information sources. There’s no denying that a combination of Big Data analytics and advanced technology produce incredibly powerful tools that can transform operations. However, at present, Big Data is still largely a potential revolution rather than a fully realized one. Many misperceptions about Big Data remain, including a mistaken impression that new tools make it simple to analyze enormous datasets. In reality, harnessing Big Data is still a very labor-intensive business. Here are five big misconceptions about Big Data:

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Affordable smart watches for a smart you

We used to wear a watch for keeping a track of time. However, the time has changed now and we need to keep track of lot many things nowadays. Therefore to keep up with the smart-era of modern times, today the Indian market is flooded with several smart watches from brands like Apple, Sony and Samsung. Smartphone users may have already checked out smart-watches launched by Apple or Samsung before, but for the users who don't have budget to buy those expensive gadgets, here is the top five cost-effective and efficient products to watch out.

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Five Android Smartphones To Look Out in 2016

Here are some interesting smartphones that will be arriving really soon in the Indian market with the newest hardware and software capabilities

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