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Articles for Economy

Looking Back: Epoch-Making Milestones

From the sublime to bizarre to contentious, India has faced numerous moments that will be earmarked in history books. Here is a selective list of 35 that have made an impact and changed India

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Looking Back: Women Of Substance

Some have dominated politics; many have done exceptionally well in banking and quite a few have made a difference to poor lives. They are women of substance.

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Looking Back: Global Events & Personalities

The last 35 years have thrown up a powerful and colourful cast of characters ranging from the saintly to the malignant who have profoundly influenced global events. Often, things have changed dramatically in the world without any individual being directly involved

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3 Indian Brands That Couldn’t Survive Foreign Competition

3 Indian brands we have grown up with but that could not survive the fierce competition of foreign companies.

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3 Times Ravi Shankar Prasad Bashed Up The Telecom Companies Publicly

Ravi Shankar Prasad, Ex- Minister of Telecom is known to be an assertive person and also has a growing popularity in the media due to his powerful jibes and sharp remarks. Some of his ‘Don’t miss statements are listed here.’

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5 Instance Where Smriti Irani Appeared To Be Arrogant

Smriti Irani took her title as the HRD Minister quite seriously, seems like she took it personally. With vaulting ambition and head always held high, she is up for facing the repercussions of her public spats. During her two years term as the HRD chief, she became one of the most disliked but the most discussed political figures in the country. Now with a change in ministry, can we expect a change of opinion?

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5 Things You Should Know About BREXIT And Its Impact

BW Businessworld discusses the main arguments that pushed Britain towards an exit from the European Union and what can be expected next?

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5 Areas India Is Shining

Being over ambitious and failing to achieve something are two different things. Even though India did not get the Nuclear Supplier’s Membership this year, there are a list of things that India has been able to accomplish under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi. Have a look at India’s recent accomplishments in economy, science and business:

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5 Mobile Apps for Yoga Fans

The select apps given below as a list are based on popularity and utility of these in daily life. They can turn you into a yogi! Yoga is nearly as old as time and its benefits to both your physical and mental well-being are tremendous. If you it appeals you, you won’t have to wait for a professional trainer. Learn the best suited asanas within minutes from your phone with user friendly mobile applications. Here are the top five!

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7 Spots Where Yoga Enthusiasts Were Seen

Interested in a sneak-peek of how the International Day for Yoga was celebrated worldwide? Take a look at the places where yoga mats were rolled out.

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