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Articles for Economy

10 Current Women Political Leaders From South Asia

Female participation in politics has moved up and we have the most powerful women in their respective region (With inputs from Bhragu Haritas)

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5 Pro-Women Policies Taken Up By The Government

The government's various welfare schemes play a vital role in empowering women (With inputs from Bhragu Haritas)

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Top Seven Budget Speeches | From Nehru To Jaitley: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Some budget speeches have acquired a larger than life image because of unusual circumstances. But as you go through a selection of quotes from budget speeches ranging from Jawaharlal Nehru to Arun Jaitley, you cannot mistake the "commitment" to the Indian farmer and to the agriculture sector. One wonders why Indian agriculture continues to face an existential crisis even after seven decades of "unwavering commitment". Some other budget speeches have been delivered by prime minister's after political upheavals. In 1958-58, the Congress finance minister T. T. Krishnamachari had to resign based on corruption charges and Nehru had to perforce present the budget. In 1969, the Congress split and finance minister Morarji Desai parted ways with Indira Gandhi who had to present the budget. And in 1987, Rajiv Gandhi presented the budget as former loyalist and finance minister V. P. Singh declared a revolt in the aftermath of Bofors. Of course, who can forget Dr. Manmohan Singh quoting Victor Hugo in his 1991 budget speech.

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Budget 2017: A Promise To Improve Railway Health, Suresh Prabhu

The information is based on the annual new year greetings message sent by the ministry and IRCTC

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Looking Back: Game Changing Policies

Some of the measures that left their imprint and impact on the Indian economy

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Looking Back: The Laws That Matter

Laws and regulations can make a decisive difference to ordinary lives as well as the economic health of a country. India has seen many such laws being passed in the last 35 years. Some, fortunately, have not been passed. The legal and judicial system in India is one of the most complex in the world. Most laws are antiquated and frustrating. Yet, there have been efforts in the last 35 years to make substantive changes

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Looking Back: Epoch-Making Milestones

From the sublime to bizarre to contentious, India has faced numerous moments that will be earmarked in history books. Here is a selective list of 35 that have made an impact and changed India

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Looking Back: Women Of Substance

Some have dominated politics; many have done exceptionally well in banking and quite a few have made a difference to poor lives. They are women of substance.

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Looking Back: Global Events & Personalities

The last 35 years have thrown up a powerful and colourful cast of characters ranging from the saintly to the malignant who have profoundly influenced global events. Often, things have changed dramatically in the world without any individual being directly involved

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3 Indian Brands That Couldn’t Survive Foreign Competition

3 Indian brands we have grown up with but that could not survive the fierce competition of foreign companies.

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