BW Communities

2nd HR Talent Acquisition Summit

This August, BW Businessworld will set the stage for experts across the country to share their designed approaches and crafted policies to acquire and retain talent. The confluence of experts will decipher the viability of objectives to hire high performing employees in the era of impatient but highly innovative millennial workforce. The Conference will address the themes ranging from the disruptive talent acquisition strategies to the evolution of people practices. The panels will discuss the issues involving the top CEOs, marketers and CHROs of the country.

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4th Higher Education Conference

4th BW Business World Higher Education Conference, Telangana provides a unique platform for Higher Education Institutions and investors interested in establishing a new operation in Telengana. The conference participants would talk of innovation and entrepreneurship as key building blocks of competitive and dynamic economies. Discussions would be among vibrant innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. The ecosystem required to witness higher productivity rates, leading to increased economic growth and more robust job creation would be explored.

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BW Dialogue with Shane Watson

BW Dialogue is about having a conversation with achievers, celebrities and eminent personalities about Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Life . These celebrities are from various walks of life, viz a viz Sports, Artists, Actors, Authors, performers who have made it big in their respective field with their leadership qualities, talent and way of life. Dr. Anurag Batra in a 2 hour candid chat with former International cricketer and 10-year IPL Team player Shane Watson

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Digital Innovation Summit

The State of Tamil Nadu has achieved various milestones in terms of technology adoption and service delivery. Businessworld Media Group is organizing a national Conference in the State on 9th August. The aim of the event is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on e-Governance and place the spotlight on the pro-people e-Governance work that is being done in the State.

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F&B Conclave 2018

BW Hotelier F&B Conclave is it's oldest and most successful event of BW Hotelier till date. A must-attend event in the Food and Beverage calendar which hits its fourth year in 2018, the event focusses on the restaurant, kitchen and bar spaces. Though all our events are very B to B focusses, perhaps the F&B event also has the most takeaway for consumers as well, which means attendance, though heavy on the industry side, also features a good sprinkling of food enthusiasts. This year, we've done something a little special by focussing on a regional cuisine which we feel doesn't get the publicity it deserves. Odisha cuisine. On the agenda this year are panels that speak on the future of food service, the restaurant industry and most importantly the crucial area of supply chain.

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Military Modernisation

BW Businessworld along with Salute is organizing this conclave with a focus on India’s defence acquisition process, and comprehensively review the requirements of the Indian armed forces and identify how companies can address these requirements. The idea is to provide major aerospace and defence companies an opportunity to promote their products to a targeted audience and therefore place them in serious consideration for use by the Indian armed forces. The conclave will offer a platform to a large number of defense companies that had visited India for the DefExpo 2018 or already have a presence in India, with top defense officials, media personnel and military commentators in attendance. The conclave will comprise of a full day of interactive sessions, including networking sessions with policy makers from the Ministry of Defence and other military officials.

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