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Divakar Prakash


The author is a Strategy Consultant with experience of consulting CEO level executives and key stakeholders in Real Estate , Government, Not for Profit, FMCG and Chemical sectors. Educated at the School of Management ,University of St-Andrews consistently a top ranked institution in Europe at Master's level in business Strategy, Corporate Finance and General Management

Latest Articles By Divakar Prakash

Merger And Acquisition - Demystified

The professionals who are trained in different environment have different set of skills which can be leveraged through the accurately tapping their potential and hence adding value for the organisation

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Journey To Success Through Failure: Juxtaposed

Great Confucius once said that greatest glory is not in ever falling but in rising every time we fall

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2007-2009 Economic Crisis: Introspection

The economic crisis that started in 2007 can be attributed to two different division of factors namely the macroeconomic and the microeconomic factors

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Are Leaders Born Or Made: An Introspective Paradox

The culture of continuous learning should be inherent and proper coaching, mentoring and rigorous leadership building exercise can enhance the overall productivity of organization

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Inexorable CEO Driving A Profound Change

When the word CEO comes to my mind it reminds me of great personalities -- Jack Welch of GE, Steve Jobs of Apple, Alan Mulally of Ford Motors and Carlos Ghosn of Nissan Renault

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Attributes of Successful Change Leaders

Being adaptable is an indispensible quality in this precarious competitive world where innovation is the byproduct of the competition

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Authentic Leadership In Precarious World

Authentic leadership is about conviction, originality, someone doesn't feign, are genuine and actions overlap with their actual values

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CEO: Custodian For Change

A vast array of case studies confirms that change is focused in six major areas or domains. Authenticity with integrity, right team, setting up an example through leading, importance given to culture, high degree of engagement and efficient stakeholder communication

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