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Kartikey Bhargava


Kartikey Bhargava is the marketing head of a company that specializes in mobile led digital solutions and a part-time food critic.

Latest Articles By Kartikey Bhargava

Marketing Beyond Millennial: How To Attract And Engage Gen Z

Being able to customize for the individual will be the vanguard of marketing approaches. That applies whether you’re marketing to Baby Boomers, Millennials, Generation Z or beyond

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Leadership And Management: What We Can Learn From The Prince

Good leaders and managers act decisively and don’t let things drag on. They are on top of their briefs and understand that delays can be damaging to the business

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Artificial Intelligence: A Real Threat To Jobs

With Facebook reporting that their new robots had to be shut down because they started to talk in a new language, suspicion is on the increase that AI is taking over

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Why Start-Ups Fail: A Marketers Perspective

For every successful entrepreneur who makes it big, there are literally thousands who have fallen by the wayside. India may well be a growing hub of innovation and enterprise but that doesn’t mean it’s rising number of entrepreneurs are guaranteed success

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Cognitive Marketing, AI And The Future Of Advertising

Artificial intelligence is developing increasingly rapidly and is now beginning to impact practically every part of our lives

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A Guide To Marketing To Millennials In India

One group that is now extremely important to brands are millennials, those born between the early 1980s and the turn of the century

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Learnings From The Art of War In The Age Of Digital

For any business attempting to forge a path in today’s competitive market place, getting the right marketing and growth strategy in place, particular with respect to digital media, is key

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Fast Food: A Remarkable Achievement

You may be a health fanatic and prefer your food free range or organically produced, but the sheer audacity and scope of what we have achieved in the last few centuries should make the mind boggle

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The Sharing Economy Revolution: India Is Ready To Take Next Big Leap

The sharing economy is growing rapidly which poses problems for maintaining consumer trust and supplier quality of service

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